(English) Why Pray?

(English) Why Pray?

Why pray when God knows our needs even before we ask Him. By this we understand that prayer is just more than informing God of our needs-its all about relationship with Him. Below are seven main reasons why we ought to pray .

1.We pray because God chose prayer as a means of communication with Him; when we are in need of help, direction…salvation. We pray and call upon His name.

2.We pray because we are fully dependent on God for everything – He is our ultimate provider, for everything we need for life.

3 We Pray because we have a relationship with God, we are His children and as children we are eternally dependent on God the Father for everything through Christ Jesus. The unbelievers they have no relationship with God, therefore they cant pray. Perhaps the only prayer they can pray is the sinners prayer; asking God for forgiveness of sins.

4. We pray so that the will of God may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven

5. We pray so that we may know the perfect will of God for our lives

6. We pray so that we may resist sin or rather not enter into temptation

7 We pray as means of ministration to God; that is through prayers we offer God Thanks givings, praises, and some times we sing hymns in the Spirit.
